All Natural Cold Process Soap - with NEEM


About this Product

2 bars of NEEM OIL soap.  Choose from Mint, Nag Champa or Lavender.  

Ingredients in soap - All organic and ethically sourced

Olive Oil, Coconut oil, palm oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, neem, castor oil, mica colorant and phthalate free clean fragrance oil.  Some soaps will have dried botanicals or biodegradable natural made glitter within or on top.

White Dog Rocks

Appleton, WI

Meet the Maker

Hi!  I am Ellen. Mom of 3 drastically different kids and 4 extremely furry dogs.  The older I get the more I have learned and am learning from those around me.  I found that I get farther away from being "set in my ways" and embrace new possibilities. I practice manifestation and keep a gratitude journal. Everything I create and sell makes me happy to use personally in my home or gift to others. I hope you find some meaning and/or joy in the items on my page.  Know that they are created with love.

Shop Policies

Ask questions before purchase. Returns accepted within one week for store credit. Normal shipping 1-2 business days after order placed. Items are hand made by the maker.
