Balancing Face Oil - Plant-Based, Organic, Essential Oil Cleansing Face Serum

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About this Product

This lightweight blend of oils is designed to cleanse, tone, and heal uneven, broken skin. The combination of base oils with essential oils in this special blend contains healing properties to reduce inflammation and promote quicker healing of dry skin patches, eczema, and acne breakouts.

A breakdown of the ingredients:

  • Sweet almond and jojoba oils as a base/ carrier - these oils are filled with vitamins A & E as well as many other beneficial nutrients, are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and they are non-comedogenic (this means that they will not clog your pores). They also work along with your natural skin to help balance PH levels!
  • Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils - naturally antiseptic, antimicrobial & antioxidant. Both work to cleanse and heal breakouts of any sort as well as reduce redness/ inflammation caused by breakouts or infection.
  • Frankincense Essential Oil - as with most other essential oils, this oil is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antimicrobial - these things all mean that this oil just adds a healing and cleansing quality to this serum. Frankincense essential oil is known as a blanket powerhouse oil able to help with almost any pain or ailment, including those of the skin! I make sure to add this one to all of my products for extra healing insurance! 
  • Cucumber Seed Extract - hydration, hydration, hydration! It is full of antioxidants and vitamin E as well, working to reverse aging and blemishes. Boosts collagen production for smooth, supple skin. 

If your skin is uneven, broken or you're fighting stubborn acne, this is the oil to use to help speed the healing process along! 

RJC Organic Beauty

Lincoln, IL

Meet the Maker

I am a stay-at-home mother with two children with a growing passion for all things non-toxic and organic. I strive to create fixes for our problems and needs at home in the simplest and healthiest ways possible and that tends to begin with essential oils for us! Drugstore skincare has been one of the most toxic things I've eliminated to date and since replacing my regimen with my own homemade skin care, my skin has never been so happy! I wanted to share these things with the world and help many people put an end to the issues they may be facing from the toxic products that may be sucking the life right out of their precious skin!

My youngest & I!

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