El Toro Fountain Pen handmade in Box Elder Burl with Gold Ti hardware


About this Product

"This is an El Toro style Fountain pen turned out of a blank of Box Elder Burl that was dyed a combination of Blue and Gold with Gold Titanium hardware. It is 4-1/2 inches long when completely closed and about and about 6 inches long with the cap posted onto the barrel. It weighs about 1.6 ounces empty of ink. It comes with the ability to be filled from an ink capsule. "


Friendswood, TX

Meet the Maker

I first got into a woodshop during college. Took one course on woodworking and was not able to finish the project because of time constraints. It would be several years before I was able to complete that project, with the help of a family friend. Since then I've added a shop onto my house and get in there and work as often as I can.

That shop is also where I do my stained glass. Mostly pieces for myself and friends, but I'll occasionally get a bee in my bonnet and do a piece on spec that I love, but does not fit in with the house.

The chainmaille is a recent restart. I stopped doing it because I thought my pets might swallow the rings. (They are now old enough, and slow enough, that I can catch them before they try anything.) I was initially intrigued at a Renaissance Festival (and am working on a mail shirt off and on) and am now intrigued by the massive variety of weaves that are out there.

I've recently acquired some leatherworking supplies, and am starting to increase my skill in that medium.  Feel free to drop me a line with questions about my items, possible commissions or anything up my alley.

Thanks for stopping by, Scott (aka the Mad Moravian)

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