Field of Tomorrows

3-6 business days 

About this Product

Watercolor painting 

Field of Tomorrows 

Simply Blessed Watercolors

Meet the Maker

First off: THANK YOU for visiting Simply Blessed's Shop!  It means so much to me! Come in, grab your favorite cozy, hot drink, pull up a comfy spot, because:

 It's story time.

My entire life has been art. Absolutely NOT like art snobs, that stick their noses up at anything but the bestest of the best.  No, it's more like my life has embedded in the exploration of a variety of art. My dad was a Stay-At-Home-Mom and he LOVES art.  So when I got bored or wanted to play, he didn't pop in a VHS (remember those??) he brought out art.  Different, vibrant colors of play-dough, crayons and sketch paper, took out some paints and a tarp and let me have a go! 

I went to the Art Institute and still, at my ripe, old age of 36 and a 1/2- I still am passionate about art.

I thought watercolors were these blah, pale, sickly, non-expressive things to paint with if you had no other options. I was raised acrylic, turned to exploring more options. 

Now about 2 years ago, I saw some simple shapes of watercolor on a fb site, I couldn't take my eyes off of how the bled from rich, vibrant, vivid hues to soft, peaceful, happy, lighter, quieter colors. And then I saw some watercolor leaves and flowers: I WAS HOOKED!! 

I should say I'm a self-taught artist, but that's not true- is it? From my SAHM Daddy breaking out the play-dough when I was knee high to a june-bug (or is it cornstalk??), to having my ever present cheerleader in my corner aka my dearest mom, to studying at the Art Institute, to the art community that I have surrounding me right now encouraging me, challenging me, pushing me on, God inspiring me with His amazing scenes in nature, and so on...

Thank you, my ever knowledgeable teachers of all speeds, shapes, and ages.  I am ever your student.

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