
Charleston, Illinois
United States

Welcome to my shop!

I am from south of Ukraine city of Kherson and my heart is broken now. I try to help how I can, I have connections with many people from Ukraine, with volunteers in Ukraine and Poland who help civilian in Ukraine and I sent my personal funds to the volunteers who I trust.

All profit from my shop will be donated to the Ukrainian people.

My name is Mariya. I like to create things with my hands and I want to show my creations expressed in the form of handcrafted artwork.

My shop name MriyaWeave. "Mriya" means "dream" in the Ukrainian language as I was born and lived in Ukraine a big part of my life. This is my “dream artwork" - felting, knitting, eco printing. 

Living in the rural country and listening to the birds singing, the rustle of herbs and flowers, trees talk I weave it into my textiles using different fibers given to us by nature - wool, silk, cotton, transforming them into unique and beautiful textiles using an old craft processes, known as wet felting.  I was hooked by the magic of wet felting when a fabric, a living image, is born from a bunch of scattered fibers of wool, silk and other fibers. In my work I use a lot of recycled material, old silk, cotton, and viscose rags and turn them into new forms of life and style.   

I purchased the "Felt peony flower brooch pin" and the "Eco printed felted mittens, pink arm warmers". Oh my, what beautiful items! I bought the brooch to go on a vintage wool coat, and the mittens are the "icing on the cake". These mittens are gorgeous. Hand felted, naturally dyed, and with leaves - the natural leaf color and shape transferred to the felt - I've never seen anything like them, so unique and exquisite. The "ultra" of handmade. ♥♥
I received my silk scarf with leaf prints today. It is simply lovely — soft, elegant, and printed with lots of detail. The quality would be worth twice the price. The maker wrapped it with whimsy (leaf prints on paper used as stickers) and care. This arrived just five days after ordering.
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