Johnna’s Garage

Parsonsfield, Maine
United States

Hello!!! And thanks for stopping by!!! My name is Johnna, and my husband jokingly threw out the name "Johnna's Garage" when I needed a business name. I'm sure, 3 years later, that he regrets that!!!

I'm a mom of 3 girls, and always enjoyed arts, crafts, and throwing epic kid birthday parties back when they were younger- sadly, they're *mostly* grown now. My love of all things crafty took a back seat while life went on, but 3 years ago I went to one of those "paint your own pallet parties", and it all came back. 

The next day I bought my own machine, and everything took off from there!! I've now taken over the spare bedroom, and I'm on the verge of my tools taking over the Garage~ see why hubby may regret that name?!?! Seriously though, I never thought I would own my own tools!!!! (and don't feel too bad for hubby, he uses all of the tools too, and he secretly loves helping me when I saw "Honey, can you...." )

I love creating one-of-a-kind pieces, and special orders. I love working with wood, vinyl, and screenprints. I love doing what I do, and I'd love the chance to help create the perfect item for you or a loved one!!!

Great communication with this maker! My Father in Law loved the tee and my Mother in Law approved. Thank you!
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