Wall Leather Co.

Ontario, Oregon
United States

We're Jackson & Emily, the owners of Wall Leather Co.

We started our business shortly after I learned how to make my first pair of earrings. Jackson has done leatherwork for a long time (its a trade that runs in the family!) & I had been bugging him to make me a pair of tooled leather earrings for forever! He must have gotten tired of me asking him, because he sat me down one afternoon & just taught me how. With his guidance, I tooled my first few pairs of earrings & shared them on Facebook for my friends & family to see. I was so proud of them & everyone loved them! I had several friends wanting to order earrings from me & many suggestions that I should start selling them as a side hobby.

Since leatherwork seems to be a dying trade, we thought that was an awesome idea. So, Wall Leather Co. was born! During that time, we were both working on finishing up college and your support helped us immensely with bills! Since our early days, it's been a wonderful creative outlet & something fun for me to work on when I'm not chasing our little one around. Both Jackson & I have been able to stay home and work on the family ranch full time because of this business. We are SO grateful for that & know it is a huge blessing!

It's been so exciting watching Wall Leather Co. grow into a loved & successful business. We adore hearing from customers & seeing you post your items on your social media pages. It makes my heart dance! It feels like we've come a long way since starting this business, but I know we also have a lot of growing to do & I can't wait for that. We can't thank you enough for sharing in this journey with us!

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