TRECE Designs

United States

Hey Y'All, I am Teresa, or Trece, to my family and friends. I count you among them!

Creativity is within us all, no matter education or age. Remember playing as a child? Spending hours making up stories and playing them out? That's creativity. My love affair with imagination began when my cousins and I would play dress-up. We were blessed with a large trunk of gorgeous and grown up dresses, hats, gloves, shoes, and jewelry - treasures from the grown-up girls we called Mom, Aunt, and Grandma. That trunk provided us with hours of creative play. I loved the large, often gaudy baubles that we draped around our necks and wrists. The clip on earrings hurt our young ears, but were essential to complete our ensembles. 

I am so thankful for that trunk. It didn't need electricity or batteries. It didn't make noise or come with instructions. The contents of that trunk were both used and old, precious and beautiful. The creative playtime soothed my young soul and set a fire in my heart for finding beauty in a flat fold of fabric, in a slab of wax, in copper washers and pipe.  For taking the simple form, the functionless, and creating beauty. I hope you enjoy what you see here. Come on, go ahead. Play a little dress-up of your own. It's good for the soul.    Trece

This is a lovely necklace, customized with pleasure by Trece to the length I needed, and carefully wrapped and sent promptly. Thank you so much! I love looking at your work and wish you much success.
Review the Maker