Country Comfort Creatives

Troy, Ohio
United States

Hi, I’m Kristi and Welcome to Country Comfort Creatives. 

Originally from Edison, New Jersey, my husband and I have lived in some of the most beautiful states all across the country. From Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia and currently living our best life in Ohio. I will always be a Jersey girl at heart and have loved all the places I've lived, but every year I fall deeper in love with the Midwest and all it has to offer. My husband and I have traveled extensively all over the country, including a cross country RV trip with our three cats. What an adventure! Our three beloved cats has since passed on, but our adventures still continue with our bunnies, Kashmir & Kottin. They are quite the handful and keep us on our toes and feeling young.

Country Comfort Creatives started as a dream, a dream to someday own & operate my own artisan craft store. For years I wondered why everyone else had a “mission” or “purpose” behind their business and I didn’t. I had no clue what the purpose of starting a business was, besides making money. The comfort of country living in the Midwest, the open spaces and relaxed pace of life, is just what I needed for my dreams to grow and take shape. And that’s when Country Comfort Creatives was born. But there was still that question, “What is it that I want say?” “What is it that I’m building here?” Then through a series of events in my life, my mission became clear. KINDNESS. But how?  How do you build and sell Kindness? 

I researched, read blogs, listened to podcasts, and here is what I found. What if our products could be a force of Kindness? What if our products were built to provide an unexpected lift for people when they needed it most? I was one of those people, I needed a lift, and I finally got it. There was a time when I withheld kindness because I was hurt and scared of being vulnerable to the wrong person. However, by looking inward and healing from my past, I learned to be kind to myself. Being kind to myself took away the expectation of others being kind to me, which removed the desire to want something in return for my kindness. I also found that being kind to myself helped me to be kind to others. As it happens when we do the work to grow as a person and understand ourselves, we are able to then put out into the world what we want to come back to us. Our kindness to others is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. We pour from within.

My life with my husband, our fur babies, and our daughter’s family, is the inspiration and focus behind the designs I make for our products. Coming soon to Country Comfort Creatives is a new line of invitations and matching printable party supplies. Explore our line of products and discover how you can be apart of The Kindness Movement today.

Our Mission

A Better Me; A Better You; A Better World. 

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