TD Studio

New Orleans
United States

Hey Y'all! 

I'm Tish and I create hand-drawn and painted mandalas, mixed media encaustics, acrylic fluid paintings, as well as hand-printed marbled monotypes. I occasionally miss my jewelry-making days and have been known to pop out a small collection every now and then. I have a lot going on. LOL!

I enjoy using my creativity as a meditative practice. It is how I cope with life. It is how I express my joy, sadness, frustration, and calm. Creative expression is also how I tune out and let the world fall away. Sometimes, I surprise myself. 

As you take a gander at my work, keep in mind your own joy, sadness, frustration, and calm. What resonates with those emotions? Which one speaks the loudest and makes you feel something? THAT is the one you want in your space! A conversation piece, for not just yourself, but for others as well. 


I have been an artist all my life. After graduating college, I entered the non-profit art community as an Administrator, creating experiences for people looking to connect to their own creativity. My journey brought me into teaching my techniques to all ages and backgrounds, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I still teach art occasionally, hosting workshops around New Orleans. Currently, I am still doing administration in artistic spaces and until my work pays the bills, I shall remain in that role. 

Soooooo......who is gonna help me become a full time artist? ;o)

Thank you for visiting my page. Your love and support mean the world to me. If you like what you see, share it with others. 

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