With Love, David

Missouri City, Texas
United States

Hi. Thanks for stopping by to learn a bit about me, and the motivation behind "With Love, David".  

I've always loved creating, and sold at markets and fairs for quite a number of years, until life took over, putting the creator in me aside for a while.  Then, several years ago, I developed an auto-immune disease, one that required me to put my favorite lotions, potions, cleaners and fragrances aside.  That's no fun, so the creator in me got back to work, with a goal to create  natural products that would moisturize, and sooth my skin.  Along the way, I discovered  many products I used in my home, were also impacting my health, and decided to do the same for my home, that I was doing for my skin, and work began to create natural products, that clean, freshen and scent my home, without harsh chemicals, fumes, soot or oily residue.  Through plenty of trials, setbacks, and steps forward, I've created a line of products that are doing exactly what I had hoped, and my home is becoming a cleaner, easier breathing, and better living home.  Best of all, my skin is a lot less angry, and much easier to get along with!  

Now, it's time to introduce my products to the wider, online audience, and I'll be adding them slowly, over the next several months.   I chose Go Imagine for this venture because I love their mission of giving back.  For me, it's a blessing to be a blessing, and I'm proud to be a part of the GI story.  Our products you see here, also help raise funds for programs near, and dear to us at "With Love, David", and includes Breast Cancer Awareness, and Veterans programs, such as Camp Hope, who provide support for Veterans suffering PTSD, and for Wreaths Across America*, a national event held each year to remember, and honor our Veterans who have completed their walk, and are now at rest.  

We're happy to be here, and look forward to bringing you cleaner, healthier products for your home and family.   Please feel free to reach out with any questions, or to share your thoughts with us at:  hello@withlovedavid.com  

With Love, David

* Wreaths Across America is a national effort to remember, and honor Veterans who lay at rest across the country, with a live wreath placed at their gravesite in remembrance of all they gave, including the wreath placed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in Arlington National Cemetery.   If you would like to join us in honoring a Veteran, I would love to count you as a sponsoring member of my "A Grateful American" group.  Sponsorships are $15.00 each, are fully tax deductible, and can be completed in just a few minutes, by clicking on the dark blue, "Sponsor a Wreath Here" button, at the bottom of my Wreaths Across American page at   https://waahouston.salsalabs.o...

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