Mood Boosting Happy Juice, Smile Blend, 100% pure & organic essential oil, Reiki Charged


About this Product

Reiki Infused. Happy Juice is a citrusy scented essential oil blend made from organically grown therapeutic grade essential oils that heighten mood and smell fantastic. Frankincense has long been praised for it's antidepressant benefits, this blend is a fusion of frank and many other uplifting and energizing oils that smell like sunshine!

This blend is 100% pure and ready to add to any diffuser. Just add 2-4 drops to your diffuser to get uplifted!

Therapeutic grade essential oils in this blend include:

Frankincense has been used to help maintain emotional balance and boost mood for 100s of years. Vibrationally frankincense is known as the oil of truth. Allowing us to release lower vibrations emulating from deceptions. This creates new perspectives based on light and truth.

Bergamot another natural antidepressant is also known as the oil of self acceptance. When we are able to let go of feelings of self judgement it releases a stagnant energy within that we may have not known was even there. This clears a path for optimism and hopefulness.

Sweet orange naturally uplifts the mood and calms stress by inspiring the user to "let go" and inspire abundance. It releases fear, inflexibility, and nervous tension creating a child like freedom.

Lemongrass is a powerful energy cleanser scrubbing away negativity and ushering in healing. It also increases ones ability to see more clearly and release past issues.

Peppermint brings joy and buoyancy to the heart and soul reminding us that there is nothing to fear. Peppermint brings clarity and strength to the surface in order to face and conquer emotional pain.

New Earth Essentials, LLC

Slatington, PA

Meet the Maker

Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm a mom who has a passion for wellness. I began this journey by combining my two biggest passions.... essential oils and crystals. I first made these products for my family and found myself encouraged to share them with others. Following this passion further has led me to become a certified Usui Reiki practitioner. I have since combined both this healing art with the therapeutic products I love to create and share. 







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