Paint Skin Adjustable Ring - Blue Wave/Silver - 20mm

List price: $20.00
- 10%
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About this Product

I LOVE rings. And these rings are so much fun!

Each ring is made with dried paint skins leftover from my paintings and covered with a 20mm glass bezel. The rings are adjustable, one size fits most.

Check out my paintings and you just might find it's canvas-match!

Racy Arted

Pearl, MS
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Meet the Maker

Hi, I’m Racy. I love to art. In my world, “art” is not just a noun, it is also a verb, an adjective - it is everything. Every piece of my artwork and jewelry is unique - just like you! 

Hi, I’m Racy. I love to art. In my world, “art” is not just a noun, it is also a verb, an adjective - it is everything. Every piece of my artwork and jewelry is unique - just like you!