Pickle Ball Key chain - Pickle Ball Bag Tag - Tennis Court - Team Gift - Gym Bag Key chain - Softball Bag Tag - Tennis Bag Tag - Basketball

1 Week

About this Product

A gym bag may not be the most glamorous accessory and it may not be the cleanest, but it can exude a little extra flair when you dress it up with a personalized sports team bag tag! These gym bag tags show your team pride with your team colors and style. Expertly embroidered to your specifications, your favorite player will never leave his or her bag behind again when adorned with a custom tag. Please leave your customization (name & thread color) in the Notes to Seller portion of your order to expedite the shipment.
The purchase of this listing is for one personalized gym bag tag.

If you are interested in a larger order of these personalized bag tags for a sports team fundraiser, please message me prior to purchase to discuss special discounts. If you would like to continue to shop for more potential sports team gifts including tennis team gifts, baseball team gifts, soccer team gifts, or basketball team gifts you may return to From the Stands by clicking the following link:

Bag Tags Unlimited

Benton, AR
Thank you for stopping by to check out all things Bag Tags!  I fell in love with making Key Chains and then decided to take it to the next level and create all things related to Tags.
Contact Maker

Meet the Maker

Back in October 2018, I had this amazing business idea.

So, as one crazy crafty person would do, I ignored my already full schedule and added it to my long list of fantastic business ideas, and ran with it.

This time…I knew this business was different…  special…so special that I hesitated even to start it.

Just as I got started, the unthinkable happened.

I found myself pregnant. AGAIN.  I wasn't too surprised this time around because it was my 9th child.

However, I found myself longing to be joyful and excited, but instead, I was met with so much anger and fear.  I was DEVASTATED.  I thought I was done.  I wanted to be done so long ago and found myself pregnant yet again.  I was already exhausted with my 8 children who were under the age of 13.

 This would begin, what some would call, a 5-year journey through hell and back. 

My baby boy was born sleeping, I homeschooled 8 kids through the pandemic, my marriage finally dissolved, and I had to move the kids and I back to Arkansas to be near family.

 As I think back about some of the hardest times of my life, one thing has remained constant.  My trust and faith in the Lord; knowing that no matter what hardships I endure, He is always there ready and willing to listen and comfort me.

Even though the trials I was experiencing were insurmountable, I continued to pursue my new business, holding on for dear life of my business dreams.

I worked tirelessly through the nights after the kids were in bed to build a future for my children.

As a single mom of such a large number of kids, I know all too well the feelings of being unequipped, scared, and unfit to do this alone.

How am I supposed to be able to protect all my children and advocate for them while they are not with me?

When I started my business, I simply had a great idea that had little to no meaning to me personally, but as the reality of my circumstances began to unfold, my burning questions began to bring about a newfound meaning and vision for my life.

Having experienced years of shame and belittling, it became my mission in life to help others feel safe in their communities, to give children a way to explore their world more safely, and give moms a sense of peace & security while their children are in someone else's care.

Please join me on this journey by sharing my mission to bring medical and allergy awareness to those near and far.

I've since expanded my line of Medical Bag Tags into bigger things and now incorporate all things that would add joy to someone's life.

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