Reiki and Crystal Infused, Clear the Vibes Smudge kit, Sage and Palo Santo Spray, smudge gift for witches new home, Sage Bundle, Palo Santo


About this Product

Reiki & Crystal Infused. The Clear the Vibes Bundle features our signature organic & crystal charged 2oz Smudge spray and 5ml pure essential oil blend. Also included is the more traditional sustainably grown and harvested palo santo and white sage stick.
Our smokeless smudge features clary sage, dalmatian sage, palo santo, lemongrass and litsea essential oils.

Our organic smokeless smudge spray is also lunar eclipse/full moon crystal charged with Quartz, Fluorite, and Amethyst.
Fluorite for it’s balancing nature and ability to radiate overall positivity.
Amethyst wards off psychic attack and calms anger.
Quartz also repels negativity, harmonizes the chakras, and amplifies all other properties within the blend.

Our Smudge diffuser blend is a 100% pure & organic essential oil blend of the above mentioned oils: clary sage, dalmation sage, palo santo, lemongrass and litsea.
Add a few drops of this blend to any diffuser and allow it to clear and cleanse the vibes for you! Easy Peasy and smokeless!

New Earth Essentials, LLC

Slatington, PA

Meet the Maker

Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm a mom who has a passion for wellness. I began this journey by combining my two biggest passions.... essential oils and crystals. I first made these products for my family and found myself encouraged to share them with others. Following this passion further has led me to become a certified Usui Reiki practitioner. I have since combined both this healing art with the therapeutic products I love to create and share. 

