Reiki and Crystal Infused, Sacral Chakra Essential Oil, Lust for Life, Spiritual Chakra healing gift for her, Chakra Balancing, Passion Oil


About this Product

Reiki & Crystal Charged. The sacral chakra is the home of pleasure and passion. When this chakra is in alignment we are filled with creative and sexual energy that invites flow and abundance into our lives. This blend radiates and supports this energy center bringing it into alignment ushering in passion, creativity, and universal flow.
For an extra kick this blend is charged with Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, Tiger's Eye, and Fluorite.

Directions for use: apply to the sacral chakra area around the naval several times a day or as often as needed. During application it helps to visualize this vibrant orange energy center absorbing this beneficial blend and integrating it for the highest good.

Organic essential oils in this blend include:

Jasmine nurtures healthy sexuality and awakens dormant passions.

Sage shakes out emotional states that have been firmly planted in the sacral chakra clearing out the negativity associated with past memories allowing positive integration.

Wild Orange encourages natural creativity in a natural child like way that encourages authenticity and calls in abundance as a result.

Lime calls in gratitude and an overall passionate zest for living which is a magnet for opportunity and gain.

Bergamot, what's a blend without bergamot? This is the oil of self love and acceptance that ignites and magnetizes the soul, drawing in magic and healing.

Cinnamon Bark encourages body acceptance and healthy intimacy. It allows the soul to release the need for control and feel secure with others ushering in passion and pleasure.

Cassia calls in the confidence making us roar by releasing programmed limitations.

Blend comes prediluted and ready to roll on with moisturizing organic fractionated coconut oil.
All bottles also come with a steel roller ball that makes the oils easier to apply.

New Earth Essentials, LLC

Slatington, PA

Meet the Maker

Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm a mom who has a passion for wellness. I began this journey by combining my two biggest passions.... essential oils and crystals. I first made these products for my family and found myself encouraged to share them with others. Following this passion further has led me to become a certified Usui Reiki practitioner. I have since combined both this healing art with the therapeutic products I love to create and share. 







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