Respiratory essential oil roller, Sigh of Relief, cough assist, natural remedy, mucus buster, Reiki & Crystal Infused, gifts for sick people


About this Product

Crystal & Reiki Infused. Sigh of relief is a power packed blend of essential oils that naturally aid respiratory function. For an extra kick this blend is supercharged with both reiki energy, amethyst and lapis lazuli for their healing affects on the lungs.

Apply to the chest for instant relief.

Blend comes prediluted and ready to roll on with moisturizing organic fractionated coconut oil.
All bottles also come with a steel roller ball that makes the oils easier to apply.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA

New Earth Essentials, LLC

Slatington, PA

Meet the Maker

Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm a mom who has a passion for wellness. I began this journey by combining my two biggest passions.... essential oils and crystals. I first made these products for my family and found myself encouraged to share them with others. Following this passion further has led me to become a certified Usui Reiki practitioner. I have since combined both this healing art with the therapeutic products I love to create and share. 

