Spooky4u2 NMBC Inspired Ghost Dog 18in Zero Halloween/Horror Doll


About this Product

NMBC Inspired Ghost Dog! He will be haunting your dreams! He measures 18 inches from the tip of nose to tip of his ghostly tail. He is 10 inches tall and 4 inches wide. He would make an awesome Christmas gift for that NMBC lover in the family.

Spooky4u2 Dolls

winchester, KY
So happy to be apart of this marketplace! If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Contact Maker

Meet the Maker

Hello! My name is Angela Gabbard and I have been making dolls....Well, for a long time. 25+ years! Time flies! My favorite time of year is Halloween, so my favorite dolls to make are Halloween/Horror related. If you love Halloween and all of the darker delights as I do I am sure you will find something, you like. I am always open to new doll ideas...so if you have something in mind just pm me on facebook...the link is on this page somewhere. Just look up Spooky4u2 and you will find me.

Shop Policies

All dolls are non refundable. Please read description of each doll. If you have ANY questions please feel free to message me. 
