Spring Blend

within a week

About this Product

This spring blend will remind you of waking up to a beautiful spring morning, like the morning mist on the grass evaporating with the rising sun. Roll on palm of hands, rub hands together and cup over the nose and take a few cleansing breaths before you start your day. Great for rolling on wrists, chest or essential oil diffuser bracelet. 

10 ml Essential oils in the blend includes Ylang Ylang, Blue Tansy, Lavender, Lemon/Orange Citrus Blend and Jojoba Oil.

Expanding Hearts

Essential 0il blends and essential oil diffuser bracelets created with intention and love!
Contact Maker

Meet the Maker

Welcome to Expanding Hearts! My dream for this page is to share my love of essential oils and all of the benefits they have brought to me. As a teacher for the past 19 years, I love that Go Imagine gives back to children's charities and want to support this effort as well. 

I hope you find joy, health and healing through my blends and bracelets as I have over the years. 

Sending love and light, 

