VICTORY (WATER ACTIVATED) // Christian Shirt // Unisex // Victory // Baptism Shirt // Christian Fitness

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About this Product

1 Corinthians 15:56-58 (NIV)

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Water / Sweat-activated Tri-Blend T-shirt.

6 recycled water bottles were used in the creation of this shirt keeping plastics out of our oceans. Ethically sourced in Haiti for a living wage.

© Imago Dei Clothing LLC 2021


Johns Creek, GA
You are made in the Image of God, So act like it! We asked God to break our hearts for what breaks His, and He Did!. We are a husband and wife duo and our aim is to bring Glory to God in all that we do. We started Imago Dei Clothing to offer ethically sourced, organically grown, and environmentally responsible clothing for Disciples of Christ.We sponsor several children through New Missions in Haiti and we intend on adding more children to our sponsorship or where ever God leads us. We thank you for shopping with us, and we pray that you start the conversation about Jesus with anyone that you come across while wearing one of our shirts.
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Meet the Maker

Imago Dei Clothing is comprised of a husband and wife duo that want to Glorify God with all that we do. We started this brand to help Disciples of Christ start the conversation about Jesus where they live, work, and play. We were given the task to go and make Disciples, so in our own little way, we're hoping that we're staying true to that Great Commission. 

Imago Dei Clothing

Shop Policies

The goal of Imago Dei Clothing is to Glorify God and to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you aren't 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will do our best to make it right. 

In general, unworn unwashed shirts can be exchanged/returned within 15 days of receipt. Please mail back the product and include a copy of the packing slip that was sent with your original purchase. After we receive it, we will issue your refund. 

If a product is defective, please mail back the product to us. We will replace it with a new product which will be shipped to you at no additional charge.

Returns should be mailed to:

Imago Dei Clothing

P.O. Box #5474







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